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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Driving the rig

If I’m on a big highway I get behind a big hauling truck and stay there, through thick and thin. There’s always his buddy truck behind me. It feels really safe and I can look around while I drive.
Sacramento was great. James Bowland was a kid the last time I saw him, now he’s a man with a family and a good education/job. I really enjoyed talking with both him and Gin. The kids were totally sweet. The whole house is decorated with the kids’ art and wonderful drawings of Gin’s. I forgot to take their photos and I’m so sorry – they looked great.
James gave me a good book to read: Nature Noir by Jordan Fisher Smith. He was a park ranger in the American River canyons. It’s a great read – how park rangers became law enforcement and the beauty of the land. I just finished driving that area and south into the Sacramento Valley.
I stayed at the San Luis Reservoir. I was the only RV in a campground designed to handle thousands of people through the summer. I saw several barn owls – one juvenile flew close to my face – lots of Montana birds hanging out with us: w. meadowlark, finches, white-crowned sparrows, kestrels all the way, same as ravens, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks. Outside of Ione a ruby crowned kinglet chatted me up while I watched the fishermen in the boats trolling for cutbows and bass. Everywhere there wasn’t a boat a big fish would jump. Saw a cooper’s hanging over the off ramp driving to Bowland’s. I was too early for the sandhill cranes at Columnes. The ever present coot numbers in the thousands. A man once said, coots were the veritable chicken of the sea. Many sparrows flitting by. I don’t have my special sparrow book, but so far it’s mainly been song sparrows and white crowns that stand out, maybe a sage sparrow. I’ve seen buffle heads, ruddy ducks, pintails, mallards, a dark headed fly catcher – briefly – all the birds were easily shocked. I could tell people have been chasing them. Hummingbirds occasionally hum by, two northern shrikes, the white wing bar flash of mockingbird, and the very pretty scrub jay. I’ve seen one red-shouldered hawk, a plain titmouse – reading my bird book I learned that white-fronted geese fly in dynamic and artistic V formations like the ones I saw nf the Sacramento River. So I’m going to fantasize and say that’s what I saw. Great blue herons all the way, great white egrets and one of the smaller ones. Lots of west. Grebes all the way.
I’m camped back in the redwoods of Santa Cruz – the walks are wonderful. We walked into Fulton today and got groceries – Lucy did the whole thing on leash and seemed to almost appreciate it. I pick her up in traffic. Anna gives everyone crotch hugs. What can I say.
Tomorrow I face the quintessential American turkey laden table. At Chez Adams I will feast, plus meet her family.

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